Write metadata
Once you are logged in to Zenodo, go to the new upload page.
You will see that Zenodo is not limited to hosting just datasets - it is also commonly used to host other scholarly outputs like posters, images, software, and even training materials (lessons).
The minimum requires for this page are:
- Upload at least one file
- Upload type
- Publication date
- Title
- At least one author (include an ORCiD!)
- Description
- Access right
- Licence
There are many other fields that are not required, but filling them will add to the richness of your dataset and aid its Findability, Interoperability, and Reusability.
A very important feature is that you can reserve a DOI for inclusion in your publication while your upload is still in draft. This means that you can include the DOI in your manuscript before you are ready to release your data.
Upload the pv-output dataset to Zenodo Sandbox.